A dishwasher replacement should be pretty straight forward. They’re the same size, they need the same things, from the outside all looks pretty standard. I should know by now that nothing in this house is standard. Getting the old one out was hang up number one. The tile flooring was put in after the dishwasher….
Category: personal
Monkey Bar Struggle
Sawyer has been going with me on my post-lunch walk. Yesterday we walked a bit on the Lake Vista trail. Today, he got his way and we went to Ward Park so he could work on his monkey bar skills.
Nailed It!
Driving safety is a big point for the company I work for. Rather, safety as a whole, but driving a car is statistically the most dangerous thing. Due to that, we have monthly training and test on safe driving. This month’s lesson … “Safely Navigating Rural Roads”! I think my time growing up in Odessa…
Just Listening to Music
One of my 2021 TODO Items was to listen to music for pleasure. I’ve really struggled with this the last few years. To be honest, my relationship with music as a whole has been strained. After Dollar Fox, I just didn’t have the passion. Not that the band did anything, it just took a lot….
No Motorcycle
For the first time in over two decades, I have no motorcycle. I sold my Triumph Scrambler back in December. This weekend, I finally went through the rest of the motorcycle gear and started getting it out of the garage. All in all, it was not nearly as emotional as I expected. This was the…
My teeth have always been a little janky. They also weren’t close to touching. I had a pretty open bite caused by tongue thrusts. I’ve spent a lot of time in a dentist’s chair getting my mouth healthy, but the bite was always bad. Two of our kids started on braces and while we were…
No Facebook
I’m really trying to focus on positive things and put positive energy into the world and Facebook was simply getting in my way. I couldn’t take anymore of the hatred and attacks. People, who are friends in person, that would devolve into a fit of name calling. I’m done with that crap. Even moving back…
2021 TODO Items
Lose some weight; get back in the 170s Read (already started) Fix the toilets Fix the fence Make contacts on the HF bands Redo my personal website Take more photos and videos Do things without purpose; true leisure time Increase savings New range New dishwasher Siding Finish master bathroom Fish in a tournament Camp Lift and tires on the truck (maybe just tires) Armrest on the Flex Play music with other people Get foundation fixed Listen to music for pleasure…