I’m getting back out on the kayak to fish for September in the MoYak September Online 2021 (tourneyx.com). August has been packed with work, back to school, kids activities, and just enjoying being out on the water in the pontoon.
I’ve been fishing from the boat or pontoon for the last few weeks and I can’t wait to get back on the kayak. I appreciate being close to the water and closer to fish. I feel more stealthy. I feel like the fight is better.
I also take more time and care. I pick my spots more carefully. When I get to a spot, I stick with it longer. When I’m in the boat it’s easy to just call a spot dead and motor somewhere else.
The quiet will be nice too. Even the trolling motor sound, not that it’s loud, but it’s there. And … the solitude. Working at my own pace, not sharing the space with anyone. It’s just a nice change.
My goal from July still stands: top 50%. I’ve yet to hit that in any tournament, but that’s what I’m doing this month.